Collatz Conjecture was solved 2022/01/01 ・・・Really?

You can confirm it with your own eyes!


Now Collatz Tree Generator V1.1.5 is available here for free.

The newest release Collatz Tree Generator V1.1.5

The ZIP package includes a PDF manual in it but you can READ the manual FIRST!

Collatz Tree Generator Manual (online PDF) 18 pages

This tiny program (200KB) contains 5 functions.

  1. Generate a regular Collatz tree of an arbitrary size (degree x height) and output the adjacency list of the tree in CSV file format
  2. Output the branch order sequence of an arbitrary odd number
  3. Output the odd number at an arbitrary position on the Collatz tree designated by a branch order sequence
  4. Output the adjacency list of a truncated Collatz subtree of which end node is designated by a branch order sequence.
  5. Verify the Collatz tree structure on which the Collatz Tree Generator is entirely based by testing every odd number in a designated range.

The first function “Collatz Tree Generator” implies that the Collatz Conjecture was essentially solved already. The last function “Verification” tests this premise. We are curious about if our solution would fail in the Verification Test. Please try those functions and make us informed with the result.

Current maximum odd number passed the Verification: 

Start the Verification from 2483029089 and send the result to us. We will update this information every morning.


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